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Easy is an ambush (a snare, a trap)

I especially love this synonym I found for easy: idiot-proof. 

When it comes to some basic things, like fixing a running toilet or a non-threatening sound coming from my car, easy is exactly what I’m looking for. This post isn’t about that.

I have to say, it’s really hard for me not to want to go straight to game day examples since we are coming right off of the BIG WIN, but I will resist because there are plenty of wonderful writers and thinkers filling our tanks with those strategies. (And I love every minute of it!)

Bringing us into focus, getting past our human desires to find comfort (Comfort food, anyone? Too many long & lazy weekends? An extra hit on the snooze button?) and to creating our best lives, we have to quickly get to the reality that easy truly is an ambush. What is an ambush? A surprise attack … that’s the primary definition. Something that sneaks up on us, like a surprise bill we weren’t counting on. Or consequences of a project we didn’t quite get to, or a health issue brought on by too many easy choices.

Idiot-proof should be the last thing we are looking for. We should instead be building our capacity, our skill set, moving toward healthy relationships and optimizing our energy. Those things require excellence and not ease. They require discipline, seeking great coaches, doing the deep thinking, hard work and praying.

Let us not be snared by the easy, but rather commit to going all in with all we have to be prepared, strong, healthy and at our very best in whatever season we are in.

I won’t ever get over the excitement of our Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl LIV win!! I hope their effort inspires us all to keep throwing the ball downfield no matter what comes our way!